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Swish last won the day on July 14

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Newbie (1/14)

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  1. Application View Application Status Brendan aka Swish Submitted 07/13/2024 03:26 PM Name Brendan aka Swish Email ****@**** Timezone America/New_York Country United States Additional Application Fields All Clan Games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Primary Game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III In-Game Name(s) Swish Discord ID Doughboyswish Geographical Location North Carolina Age 26 Where did you hear about Unknown Soldiers? Cod forum Have you served or are you currently in the military? No Why do you want to join =US=? Be apart of a family Can you attend our weekly meetings? Yes Do you have a working microphone? Yes Can you attend clan practices and boot camps, follow the chain of command and actively participate on the forums and Discord? Yes Star Citizen Practice N/A - Not applying for this game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III I can always attend Gray Zone Practice N/A - Not applying for this game
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